


OK local heros! Here is your mission!

OPERATION DAYMAKER - Spread positivity, help others, and feel great in the process!

Hint: Inspire and empower others to serve too! Grab a friend and to join in on the fun because every Superhero deserves an awesome sidekick!

Don't forget to take pictures when you can and post online using #operationdaymaker to spread the positivity to your social circle. You never know who you are inspiring!

51. Give High-Fives!

52. Shovel a neighbors driveway.

53. Volunteer to read to kids at an after school program.

54. Serve at a homeless shelter.

55. Each time you get a new item of clothing, give away an old item

56. Volunteer at Feed my staving Children. Help pack meals for malnurished children around the world.

57. Sing Christmas Carols at a Nursing Home

58. Tutor or mentor a child who needs help with school.

59. Host a blood drive. Donate blood to the Red Cross.

60. Adopt a pet.

61. Wash your dads car.

62. Make blankets or hold a blanket drive for a homeless shelter.

63. Volunteer for The Birthday Party Project. Pass out cupcakes and high fives and help throw a birthday party for homeless children.

64. Volunteer in a Food Pantry. Unpack boxes, restock shelves, and assist shoppers as they select food.

65. Mentor underprivileged youth. Become a Big lBrother / Big Sister

66. Support people with disabilities:

KEEN Chicago’s program helps instill confidence in kids with disabilities, working with them in non-competitive, one-to-one fitness programs.

Anixter Center supports children, teens, and adults with disabilities in their efforts to "live, learn, work, and play in their communities."

67. Meals on Wheels: Volunteers bring warm, nutritious meals to homebound seniors and people with disabilities, who might otherwise have difficulty preparing healthy food. On top of that, you could be providing companionship to someone who might really need it.

68. Volunteer at Habitat for Humanity and help build homes for those in need.

69. Donate board games to a homeless shelter.

70. Send flowers to a friend or family member.

71. Stick up for someone who is being bullied or treated badly.

72. Say Hi to someone you don't know.

73. Write "You are beautiful" on a sticky note and leave it on a public restroom mirror.

74. Tell someone "You're doing a great job"

75. Invite someone new to eat lunch with you.

76. Speak to someone who seems lonely at social events.

77. Bring a Get-Well Basket to someone who is sick.

78. Tell someone you are proud of them / Tell someone they inspired you / Tell someone you have noticed how hard they are working.

79. Bring homemade muffins to work or school to share with your classmates, coworkers, boss, teacher, etc.

80. Volunteer at Cradles to Crayons. They provide children from birth to 12 living in homeless or low income situations essential items they need to survive at home and school. Donate gently used or new items or help sort items in their facilities.

81. Take part in a literacy program to help children or adults learn to read.

82. Host a book and toy drive.

83. Teach a computer and email lesson to the elderly.  

84. Invite someone new to play on the playground.

85. Make someone a playlist.

86. Hand out free popcicles or cold water on a hot day.

87. Take crayons and coloring books to a Childrens Hospital.

88. Collect box tops and donate them to a local school.

89. Tell someone you believe in them before an important test or interview.

90. Help someone else with their homework.

91. "Advertise" your favorite non profit by posting about it on your blog, website or social media accounts.

92. Provide work clothes for economically disadvantaged women through Dress for Success.

93. Send your extra Halloween candy to the troops.

94. Donate old Prom clothes and shoes to The Glass Slipper Project.

95. Donate your birthday party / gifts to the charity of your choice.

96. Clean up a public area like a nature trail, beach or playground.

97. Support your friends endeavors. Donate to their club, attned their sporting match, watch their play / concert, etc.

98. Celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week with thank you notes and little gifts to the teachers who have helped you learn.

99. Participate in a Relay for Life event.

100. Smile! It's free and will brighten people's day.

100 Ideas to be a DAYMAKER!

1. Hug your mom!

2. Volunteer at your local animal shelter.

3. Have a lemonade stand and donate your profits to your favorite local charity.

4. Pay a compliment to a stranger.

5. Send a hand written note to someone you haven't seen in a while.

6. Bake brownines, cookies, cupcakes, pie or any kind of special treat and suprise a neighbor with a sweet treat.

7. Thank someone for something nice they have done for you.

8. Pack meals or sack lunches and deliver them to the homeless.

9. Ask someone who looks down if they would like to hear a joke? (Learn a few good jokes these will come in handy)

10. Encourage a friend to go fo it! Whatever it might be sometimes even our most confident buddies need a "you've got this"

11. Donate to your local food bank.

12. Positive Post-its! Write positive messages on post its then put them on a friends mirror, locker, door, etc. It will make them smile and think of you when they see them.

13. Buy a stranger a cup of coffee or pay for the person behind you in a drive thru line. It's a super nice surprise.  

14. Send flowers to brighten someones day.

15. Visit a nursing home or retirement community. Play a board game, do a craft, or just visit.

16. Plant a tree.

17. Foster a pet up for adoption.

18. Organize a clean up party in your community.

19. Ship a care package to our troops.

20. Donate used towels or blankets to an animal shelter.

21. Gift an inspirational book.

22. Write a positive comment on a website or blog.

23. Compliment a parent on how well behaved their child is.

24. Make inspirational bookmarks and leave them at your public library.

25. Hold a Teddy Bear Drive then donate the bears to hospitals, police departments and fire stations for children in need.

26. Run / Walk a 5K for a cause.

27. Leave a surprise in your mailbox for your mail carrier.

28. Know parents that could use a night out? Offer to babysit for free.

29. Buy extra umbrellas or ponchos to give out on a rainy day.

30. Leave a server the biggest tip you can afford.

31. Email a former teacher who made a difference in your life.

32. Make / Send cards to sick children in hospitals.

33. Volunteer to make a meal for the Ronald McDonald House and visit with the families of sick children to brighten their day.

34. On Mother's Day / Father's Day remember any friends who have lost a parent and check in with them.

35. Know a family who needs a little extra help? (New baby, Family health issue, Etc.) Check in with them offer to help run an errand, make a meal, or help around the house.

36. Collect Pop tops to donate to the Ronald McDonald House.

37. Put a surprise note in a family members lunch.

38. Send a thank you note to soldiers, local police, fire department or teachers.

39. Send cards to lonely seniors. 13-year-old Jacob Cramer started Love for the Elderly, which distributes letters to American seniors via senior centers and nonprofit organizations. Love for the Elderly also has a Senior Buddy program that connects seniors, who often experience loneliness and isolation, with young students. They become pen pals and develop a relationship through letter writing.

40. Text someone and tell them something you appreciate about them.

41. Text or email someone a joke. Give them a reason to smile.

42. Hold a winter coat drive. Bonus put kind or encouraging notes in the pockets.

43. Donate household items, games, clothes, or other items you no longer need to goodwill.

44. In December buy gifts for a kid that wouldn't otherwise be able to receive a gift.

45. Contribute a small sum of money to grant a wish of a foster youth. One simple wish has an online directory of requests that case workers submit for their foster youth.

46. Carry around a $5 gift card so you can give it to someone who does something awesome. Or create and carry a "Thanks for making my day" card that you can give to someone.

47. Help someone with yard work.

48. Bring in donuts to your coworkers or classmates.

49. Read to the kids at the library for story time.

50. Pack a backpack of school supplies for a child in need.